Download A Susan Slutt Mystery: Susan Slutt Solves the Mystery
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Dаtе: 25.08.2012
ІSBN: 9781611520064
Author: Kate Emburg
Size: 7.41 MB
Porkerville is hosting a sleuthing convention, and all the great detectives are there: Fancy Few, the Baccardi Boys, the Boobsey Twins, the Dinah Girls, and many more! But when a real mystery.

A Susan Slutt Mystery: Susan Slutt Solves the Mystery
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J.M. Snyder (Author of Power Play).
Biography (print) Alanna Nash. Dolly (also known as Dolly Parton: The Early Years). Los Angeles, CA: Reed Books, 1978. ISBN 0891695230. Dolly Parton.
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28.01.1974 · An author of gay erotic/romantic fiction, J.M. Snyder began in self-publishing and worked with Amber Allure, Aspen Mountain, eXcessica, and Torquere Pres
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A Susan Slutt Mystery: Susan Slutt Solves the Mystery
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Step aside, Nancy Drew, and watch out, Hardy Boys! Join Susan Slutt, the greatest girl detective since the invention of sanitary pads, her best friend Ashleigh, her